Sunday, May 2, 2010

"leather and jeans, we'd be so fantastical"

So. We've determined that this time around, I probably have the flu. Why? My back is hurting like crazy. UGH. Adam even popped my back for me and its still hurting! It helped for a little bit though.

So no staying up until 5am tonight. Not that I did it on purpose. I just couldn't fall asleep! I tossed, turned, rolled over, drank water, watched TCM and tried passing out so many times. Didn't manage it until finally 5am. And Lily woke up at 6am and wanted in bed with us. But thats okay. We napped quite a bit today. She was a trooper. I spent most of my time laying on the couch while Adam was at work and she managed to not get into too much trouble. A few "no"s here and there prevented that.

Tonight I tried getting some work done... but after a few rather wet (icky!) sneezes, I decided it was best to not work right now. I wrote out what I need to finish before I can start working on other projects. I will take orders, but nothing else. Though right now I'm really wanting to start a new 18th century corset for me :P

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